Monument Hobbies

Monument Hobbies: Startup Bundle
The Retail Startup Bundle includes 6 of every original 75 colors of Pro Acryl, plus 3 of each Primer and Medium. The bundle also includes 6 additional of the first 3 paints - white, black and red.
Currently includes:
MPA-001 - Bold Titanium White | 12 |
MPA-002 - Coal BLack | 12 |
MPA-003 - Bold Pyrrole Red | 12 |
MPA-004 - Green | 6 |
MPA-005 - Blue | 6 |
MPA-006 - Golden Yellow | 6 |
MPA-007 - Orange | 6 |
MPA-008 - Burnt Red | 6 |
MPA-009 - Mahogany | 6 |
MPA-010 - Purple | 6 |
MPA-011 - Magenta | 6 |
MPA-012 - Sky Blue | 6 |
MPA-013 - Faded Ultramarine | 6 |
MPA-014 - Dark Grey Blue | 6 |
MPA-015 - Bright Warm Grey | 6 |
MPA-016 - Dark Warm Grey | 6 |
MPA-017 - Golden Brown | 6 |
MPA-018 - Light Umber | 6 |
MPA-019 - Dark Umber | 6 |
MPA-020 - Camo Green | 6 |
MPA-021 - Jade | 6 |
MPA-022 - Bright Ivory | 6 |
MPA-023 - Ivory | 6 |
MPA-024 - Tan Flesh | 6 |
MPA-025 - Silver | 6 |
MPA-026 - Light Bronze | 6 |
MPA-027 - Copper | 6 |
MPA-028 - Rich Gold | 6 |
MPA-029 - White Gold | 6 |
MPA-030 - Dark Silver | 6 |
MPA-031 - Bright Gold | 6 |
MPA-032 - Bronze | 6 |
MPA-033 - Metalic Medium | 6 |
MPA-034 - Dark Blue | 6 |
MPA-035 - Dark Purple | 6 |
MPA-036 - Dark Camo Green | 6 |
MPA-037 - Burnt Orange | 6 |
MPA-038 - Yellow Ochre | 6 |
MPA-039 - Bright Yellow Green | 6 |
MPA-040 - Black Brown | 6 |
MPA-041 - Olive Flesh | 6 |
MPA-042 - Shadow Flesh | 6 |
MPA-043 - Pale Pink | 6 |
MPA-044 - Dark Neutral Grey | 6 |
MPA-045 - Bright Neutral Grey | 6 |
MPA-046 - Transparent Blue | 6 |
MPA-047 - Transparent Red | 6 |
MPA-048 - Transparent Green | 6 |
MPA-049 - Transparent Yellow | 6 |
MPA-050 - Transparent Orange | 6 |
MPA-051 - Transparent Purple | 6 |
MPA-052 - Transparent Brown | 6 |
MPA-053 - Transparent Black | 6 |
MPA-064 - Transparent White | 6 |
MPA-054 - Turquoise | 6 |
MPA-055 - Grey Blue | 6 |
MPA-056 - Blue Black | 6 |
MPA-057 - Black Green | 6 |
MPA-058 - Bright Pale Green | 6 |
MPA-059 - Burnt Sienna | 6 |
MPA-060 - Pale Yellow | 6 |
MPA-062 - Dark Golden Brown | 6 |
MPA-063 - Faded Plum | 6 |
MPA-061 - Khaki | 6 |
MPA-065 - Yellow Green | 6 |
MPA-066 - Faded Green | 6 |
MPA-067 - Bright Jade | 6 |
MPA-068 - Dark Flesh | 6 |
MPA-069 - Burgundy | 6 |
MPA-070 - Plum | 6 |
MPA-071 - Pink | 6 |
MPA-072 - Warm Yellow | 6 |
MPA-073 - Warm Flesh | 6 |
MPA-074 - Warm Grey | 6 |
MPA-075 - Neutral Grey | 6 |
MPAP-002 - Black | 3 |
MPAP-003 - White | 3 |
MPAP-005 - Dark Neutral Grey | 3 |
MPAP-007 - Dark Camo Green | 3 |
MPAP-011 - Black Brown | 3 |
MPAM-001 - Glaze and Wash Medium | 3 |
MPAM-003 - Gloss Varnish | 3 |
Current promotion: Free rack included (360 value!).
Shipping is included with the purchase of any Starter Bundle and Rack.
For authorized resellers only.